BO WANG | 王 博


  • 项目
  • 异质景观
  • 犀利哥回家
  • 中国协奏曲
  • 落地/出生/经过
  • 为未来而制的明信片
  • 江山如此多娇
  • 光谱, 或者新加坡的丹·弗拉文
  • 港城三记
  • 三横一竖
  • 基建礼赞
  • 一个六年
  • 瘴气, 植物, 外销画
  • 默垣墟语
  • 湧浪之间
  • 轨道
  • 无梦的歌
  • 简历



    HD | 70min | 2016

    >>导演: 潘律, 王博

    制片人: Kyungmi Kim | 联合制片人: Park Chi-hyun
    制作及资金支持: BÖC Features | 蔚山MBC电视台联合制作 | 非军事区纪录片电影节纪录基金

    2021 台湾国际纪录片电影节
    2019 首尔建筑与城市双年展
    2019 散文电影节, 当代艺术学院(ICA), 伦敦
    2017 自主映室, 香港
    2017 故事新编, 所罗门·古根汉美术馆, 纽约
    2016 亚洲竞赛单元, 非军事区纪录片电影节, 韩国

    The film presents urban space in Hong Kong as a vivid showcase of the hidden logics of globalization, capitalism and historical changes of today’s world cities. The film contains three chapters that is parallel to but interwoven with each other: global, local and border space. The film examines a series of urban landscapes in Hong Kong to illustrate the tension among their visual existence, function and ownership, and how the city’s public space has been constructed, used, owned and interpreted.

    I. The Exhibition
    Art Basel Hong Kong holds at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, a building built in 1997 on reclaimed land solely to host the sovereignty handover ceremony. A historically politicized space, is now today’s enclave of global capital.

    II. The Streets
    Does history ever come back in the same face? Between Sep to Dec 2014, citizens in Hong Kong had taken over streets to demonstrate for democracy, which is widely known as the umbrella movement. The streets had been rendered into a platform of expression, whether it was political or just personal.

    III. The North Side
    A reversed historical gaze. Hong Kong is bordered by Shenzhen from the north, a city built from scratch in only 30 years by the Beijing government.

    The Exhibition
    The Exhibition
    The Exhibition
    The Exhibition
    The Exhibition
    The Exhibition
    The Streets
    The Streets
    The Streets
    The Streets
    The Streets
    The North Side
    The North Side
    The North Side
    The North Side
    The North Side

    The project is also available in installation format.